How To Recover Your Leadership Ability And Excel (Again)

I wrote frequently about the need for churches to become led by teams as opposed to just individual. A involving pastors and lay leaders have asked how they need to go about forcing such a leadership team. Though each church will need weigh eating of their individual church, the following steps serves as a guideline for how an pastor or lay leader

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Developing Leadership Skills Duplicate

People keep curious about the best leadership style that one can practice. Some state that authoritarian leadership will be the worst kind of leadership there is normally. But is it fairly? Let's try to explore what authoritarian leadership is like.As John C. Maxwell said, "The ability to guide is a real collection of skills, the majority of which

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How expertise and decision making are connected

People draw upon cues from their expertise and previous experiences above all else to guide their decisions, even in high-pressure situations.There has been a lot of scholarship, articles and books published on human decision-making, nevertheless the industry has focused mostly on showing the limitations of decision-makers. But, recent literature o

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